Back in the good old days, you could take a photo of Fido with your Polaroid, and after a few shakes be ready to tape it to your dorm room wall. Now Lomo is looking to bring that same old-school experience into the next decade with the Instant - a self-developing film camera with a vintage feel. It has support for several different lenses, color filters and can even create images with multiple exposures of your furry friend. The company already has a pretty sizable line of toy and DIY cameras that push the envelope (like this one made out of a paint can). The Instant follows in that tradition, building off an old favorite, the Fuji Instax. The camera uses its easy-to-find credit card-sized film, but has five aperture settings, including f/8, the largest available on any instant camera. It also has three different shooting modes for tons of flexibility.
Filed under: Cameras
Source: Kickstarter, Lomography