OnePlus is readying a new version of its low-cost in-ear headphones. In a post spotted by 9to5Google on the company’s Lab website, OnePlus says it’s looking for fans to test the Nord 2 and “Buds Pro.” Beyond the name, the company doesn’t say much about the earbuds. But based on that information alone, there’s a good chance they’ll include active noise cancellation. In any case, with OnePlus slated to launch the Nord 2 on July 22nd, we won’t have to wait long to find out more details.
We’ll also point out here Nothing, the company started by OnePlus co-founder Carl Pei, will unveil its Ear 1 true wireless earbuds on July 27th. So at the very least, fans of OnePlus will have plenty of options. If you want to test the OnePlus Buds Pro, you have until July 17th to apply to take part in the Lab program.