Learning to program isn’t a straightforward process, and it certainly can’t be mastered overnight. There are multiple different coding languages, each of which has its own use cases. From data science to game design, the applications and types of programming in use today are as varied as the ways you can study them.
So how should one go about studying programming? A great way to test the waters is by learning a few languages and practicing your knowledge with hands-on projects, which you can showcase in a portfolio. The 2021 Ultimate Learn to Code Training will help you get started, and you can get three courses right now for free.
The 2021 Learn to Code Training comes gives you the chance to choose from bundles with three, five, ten, fifteen or twenty-five courses. The base version features three one-hour courses on CSS, JavaScript and HTML packed with 52 lectures. These beginner-friendly lessons will cover the foundational skills you need to start writing your own lines of code. Once you have the basics down, you’re free to explore the rest of the bundles depending on the kinds of programs you’re interested in creating.
For instance, the five-course option focuses on game design with an emphasis on Python and creating games in Unity. Not only will you get an introduction to artificial intelligence and machine learning with Python, but you’ll also put your skills to the test by creating your own Legend of Zelda and Portal clones.
The 10- and 15-course bundles focus on app and web design. In the ten-course bundle, you’ll learn how Java is used in web and Android development. The lessons also cover data analysis and machine learning. Meanwhile, the 15-course bundle offers several of the same courses as the previous selection. However, it also includes courses that lean more heavily toward data science using R and Matplotlib.
Finally, the 25-course bundle pulls together every class in the previous bundles. With lifetime access to all classes and materials, you can study everything at your own pace and use your newfound knowledge to make your own interesting programs, practice toward mastery and eventually land a professional programming job of your own.
You can get each version of The 2021 Ultimate Learn to Code Training on sale now, with bundles containing three courses (free), five ($3), 10 ($8), 15 ($10) and 25 courses (for $15).
Prices subject to change.
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